A repository of our students master / doctoral

- INSERT #1: Separation and Purification of Taiwan Marine Algae Lectin(台灣海洋藻類凝集素的分離與純化)
- INSERT #2: Water Resources and Waste Water Treatment(水資源與廢水處理)
- INSERT #3: The Application of Planned Behavior Theory in Teaching(計劃行為理論在教學上的應用)
- INSERT #4: Using Data Mining Methods to Establish an Audit Model for the Application of Health Insurance Declaration Expenses – Taking Sepsis as an Example(使用數據挖掘方法建立健康保險申報費用審計模型——以敗血症為例)

- INSERT #1: Toxicity and Safety Test of Microalgae Lectins that Can Replace Preservatives(可替代防腐劑的微藻凝集素的毒性與安全性測試)
- INSERT #2: Investigating the Difference of Satisfaction and Purchase Intention with Different Backgrounds of Real Estate Investors(探討不同背景的房地產投資者在滿意度和購買意願上的差異)
- INSERT #3: The Study of the Relationship between Hedging Attitude and the Factors of Purchasing Real Estate, and the Predictions of Investor Satisfaction and Purchase Intentions(對沖態度與房地產購買因素關係之研究,以及投資者滿意度和購買意願之預測)
- INSERT #4: Massage and Pressure Relieve(按摩與壓力釋放)

- INSERT #1: Numerical study of the effects of check dams on erosion and sedimentation in the Pachang River(八掌溪中攔砂壩對侵蝕和沉積影響的數值研究)
- INSERT #2: The mortgage crisis of real estate investors is based on the situation in the Greater Taipei area(以大台北地區為例的房地產投資者抵押貸款危機)
- INSERT #3: NPO worker’s self-narrative Bereaved mother’s grief adjustment and transformation(非營利組織工作者的自我敘事——喪母之痛的調適與轉化)

- INSERT #1: Hepatoprotective Function of Selenium (硒的保肝功能)
- INSERT #2: Efficacy Evaluation of Selenium (硒的功效評估)
- INSERT #3: Genotoxicity Evaluation of SR-971 (SR-971的基因毒性評估)
- INSERT #4: Functional Analysis of Anticancer Activity (抗癌活性功能分析)
- INSERT #5: The Effect of Chinese Chiropractic and Essential Oil (中式整脊與精油的影響)
- INSERT #6: Leadership Behavior on The Tendency of Hairdressers (領導行為對美髮師傾向的影響)
- INSERT #7: The Health Impacts of Shift Caregivers (輪班照護者的健康影響)

- INSERT #1: Operating Difficulties on Long Term Care Institution (長期照護機構之營運困境)
- INSERT #2: Application of GUSS Assessment (GUSS評估的應用)
- INSERT #3: Digital Entrepreneurship Business Model (數位創業商業模式)
- INSERT #4: The Application and Commercialization of Microalgae Lectin (微藻凝集素的應用與商業化)
- INSERT #5: Research on Funeral Management and Service (殯葬管理與服務研究)
- INSERT #6:Research on Sound-Penetrate in Neck and Shoulder Pain (聲音穿透在頸部和肩部疼痛的研究)
- INSERT #7: Biostratigraphic and Geological Changes of Nanofossils on the Fault Surface (斷層面上奈米化石的生物地層學和地質變化)
- INSERT #8: Professional Development of the Nursing Education (護理教育的專業發展)

- INSERT #1: On the Root Cause of Diseases and the Analysis of Personal Physique with the Way of Health Maintenance (疾病的根本原因及以養生方式分析個人體質)
- INSERT #2: HYDRODYNAMICS WITH ECOLOGY – The Equilibrium between Organism and In-organism (水動力學與生態學——生物與無機物之間的平衡)
- INSERT #3: The Promotion and Innovation of Modern Music Education Culture (現代音樂教育文化的推廣與創新)
- INSERT #4: A Preliminary Study of the Operating Mode of CranioSacral Mechanics Therapy Combined with Energy Medicine (顱骶力學療法結合能量醫學之操作模式初步研究)
- INSERT #5: The Innovation of Funeral Management – Taking C Company for Example (殯葬管理的創新——以C公司為例)
- INSERT #6: Exploring the Relevant Acts of Wake from the Perspective of Grief Counseling (從悲傷諮詢的角度探討相關的喪禮儀式)

- INSERT #1: Diagnostic Method of Bearing Failure Based on Generalized Jaccard Coefficient and False Degree Melting (基於廣義傑卡德係數和虛假度熔化的軸承故障診斷方法)
- INSERT #2: Tourism AIDMA Model for the Construction of Artificial Intelligence Sensors of IoT Intelligent System (用於構建物聯網智慧系統的人工智慧感測器的旅遊AIDMA模型)
- INSERT #3: Taking Patients with End-stage Cholangiocarcinoma as an Example, the Impact Study on the Effect of “Bullet-proof Vest Anti-cancer Nutrition Combination” with Noni, Abbott Guarantee and Hot Lemonade (以膽管癌末期患者為例,探討諾麗果、亞培安素和熱檸檬水組成的「防彈背心抗癌營養組合」的影響研究)
- INSERT #4: Discussion on the Future Development of Body Beauty from the Perspective of Substantial Meaning of Funeral (從殯葬的實質意義探討身體美學的未來發展)
- INSERT #5: Preliminary Feasibility Study Report on Computerized Automation Equipment for Craniosacral Therapy (顱骶療法電腦化自動化設備初步可行性研究報告)

- INSERT #1: Evaluation of the effect of red turmeric on inhibiting liver cancer cells (紅薑黃抑制肝癌細胞作用之評估)
- INSERT #2: Research on AI music therapy nursing care to improve depression and brain activation dementia (人工智能音樂治療護理照護改善憂鬱症和腦活化失智症之研究)
- INSERT #3: Integrated analysis to explore the influence of iron intake by blood donors (綜合分析探討捐血者鐵攝取量的影響)
- INSERT #4: Study on the improvement of functional constipation by A.H.T. Holistic Chiropractic Technique (以A.H.T.整體脊骨神經醫學技術改善功能性便秘之研究)
- INSERT #5: Project implementation results to improve the efficiency of the Blood donation vehicle draw blood workflow and leadership style of chief nurses (改善捐血車輛抽血工作流程效率及護理長領導風格之專案實施成果)

- INSERT #1: The Application and Trend of AI in Financial System Management (AI在金融系統管理中的應用與趨勢)
- INSERT #2: Application of AI in Personal Intelligent Health Management (AI在個人智慧健康管理中的應用)
- INSERT #3: Application of AI in University Education Management (AI在大學教育管理中的應用)
- INSERT #4: Application of artificial Intelligence in the Fields of Biotechnology and Medical Management (人工智能在生物技術和醫療管理領域的應用)
- INSERT #5: The Application of AI in Delicate Agricultural Management (AI在精緻農業管理中的應用)
- INSERT #6: AI in the Online Marketing Management and Application of Facial Masks (AI在線上行銷管理和面膜應用中的應用)

- INSERT #1: Exploring the Belief in Jade Emperor from the Perspective of Believers (從信徒的角度探討對玉皇大帝的信仰)
- INSERT #2: Only in-depth From the Perspective of Funeral Services, the Analysis of Taoism’s “Zuo Qi” in the Etiquette System (僅從殯葬服務的角度深入探討道教禮儀制度中的「做七」)
- INSERT #3: The Theoretical Construction and Necessity of Taoism’s Dying Blessing (道教臨終祝禱的理論建構與必要性)
- INSERT #4: Research on the Application of Light Wave Energy in Vision Recovery – Taking Cheng Xutai Health Care Workshop as an Example (光波能量在視力恢復中的應用研究—以鄭旭泰保健工作坊為例)
- INSERT #5: Exploring the Death Management of AIDS Patients from the Funeral Perspective (從殯葬的角度探討愛滋病患的臨終關懷)
- INSERT #6: Exploring the Possible Application of Agaric from the Perspective of Funeral (從殯葬的角度探討木耳的可能應用)
- INSERT #7: Who disrupted the market?
The study of digital entrepreneurship business model

- INSERT #1: Study on the synergistic effect of SR-971 and chemotherapeutic drugs in inhibiting colorectal cancer metastasis (SR-971與化療藥物在抑制大腸直腸癌轉移中的協同作用研究)
- INSERT #2: Efficacy assessment of SR-951 in reducing chemotherapy side effects (SR-951在減輕化療副作用方面的功效評估)
- INSERT #3: Application of phytoselenium topical spray STR-921 for wound healing (植物硒局部噴霧劑STR-921在傷口癒合中的應用)
- INSERT #4: Research on Tai Chi Bone Guide Technique and Autonomic Nervous System (太極骨導引術與自律神經系統之研究)
- INSERT #5: Correlation between Holistic Spinal Orthopedic Surgery and Renal Filament Globule Changes. Improvement by Quantum Light Wave House Treatment (整體脊椎骨科手術與腎絲球變化之相關性。量子光波屋治療的改善作用)
- INSERT #6: The Effectiveness of Auricular Acupuncture and Hypnosis in Improving Insomnia (耳針和催眠在改善失眠方面的有效性)

- INSERT #1: A study on the impact of believers’ satisfaction and brand loyalty on the willingness to revisit palaces and temples – taking Kaohsiung Youchang Marshal Temple as an example. (以高雄佑昌武廟為例,探討信徒滿意度與品牌忠誠度對其重遊宮廟意願之影響研究。)
- INSERT #2: Exploring the Conceptual Framework of Temple Management from the Perspective of Taoism. (從道教觀點探討寺廟管理的概念框架。)
- INSERT #3: The Research of 「Suitable Material」 and 「Suitable Teaching」 Models of Taoist Education Research. (道教教育研究中「適宜教材」與「適宜教學」模式之研究。)
- INSERT #4: To explore the feasibility of using low-energy laser acupuncture to stimulate auricular points to have immediate antihypertensive effect on hypertension. (探討使用低能量雷射針灸刺激耳穴對高血壓產生立即降血壓效果的可行性。)
- INSERT #5: Research on Realizing Efficient Management in a Earthworm Farming Environment: The Meiyuan Community Cooperative as an example. (以梅園社區合作社為例,探討如何在蚯蚓養殖環境中實現高效管理。)
- INSERT #6: A preliminary study on the use of full-frequency infrared quantum light waves to alleviate the symptoms of heart palpitations in COVID-19 patients. (使用全頻紅外量子光波緩解COVID-19患者心悸症狀的初步研究。)

- INSERT #1: Exploring the Customization of Farewell Ceremony from the Perspective of Funeral Service (從殯葬服務的角度探討告別式的客製化)
- INSERT #2: Exploring the Issue of Death Treatment in Long-Term Care Institutions from the Perspective of Funeral (從殯葬的角度探討長期照護機構中的臨終處置議題)
- INSERT #3: Exploring the Issues of Funeral Director in Charge from the Perspective of Funeral Service (從殯葬服務的角度探討殯葬禮儀師的相關議題)
- INSERT #4: Exploring on the Belief in Emperor Wenchang from the Perspective of Believers (從信徒的角度探討對文昌帝君的信仰)